Frequently asked questions

Why did you start this website?

Because I have met too many evangelical Christians who struggle with an interpretation of the Bible which condemns people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer or other (LGBTIQ). They want to be faithful to God, faithful to his Word, but also loving to their family, colleagues and themselves. But when they look for material on the subject taking an evangelical approach to the Bible seriously, they are most likely to find the same interpretations. My hope is that through this website and the YouTube channel, these Christians might find alternative evangelical readings of the scriptures – readings which affirm those who identify as LGBTIQ.

What enables you to teach on this?

I am unusually placed. I teach New Testament at undergraduate and postgraduate level at an ecumenical theological college (Luther King Centre for Theology and Ministry) which has mature Christian students (many training to be ministers) from a wide variety of denominations, traditions and backgrounds. For many years I have explored with students different understandings of the biblical texts and issues to do with sexuality and gender. I have led sessions with a number of churches and with gatherings of ministers on the subject.

Why is it about homosexuality rather than lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer or other name?

The site is called Bible and Homosexuality for various reasons. First, it’s the issue I have worked with most. Secondly, the website name was available. I am keenly aware that other areas of sexuality and gender often get left out. I hope to address at least some of them at some point in the future. Sorry.

Why don’t you allow comments?

Both the Bible and issues of identity (sexuality and gender) are hugely emotive (rightly so – they matter). But sometimes this can lead to heated and nasty interactions online. Any comments would need to be carefully moderated, and I simply don’t have the time. You can leave comments on the YouTube channel.

Are you gay/what is your background?

No. I am a straight, cis-male and married with children. I am a Christian and an ordained Anglican. You can read more about me here.

Have you written a book on this?

Not yet. If enough people ask me I might consider it.

Is there a Facebook page?

No. I am on twitter. One of my interests is photography, and you can see my pictures (nothing to do with this website) on my flickr account.

Can we invite you as a speaker?

Feel free to ask me using the contact form. I enjoy speaking at churches on this issue. If a church is exploring the issue, sometimes it’s easier for an outsider like me to lead a session rather than the minister. I have led sessions at a variety of Baptist and Church of England churches, and with gatherings of ministers.

Can we use your videos in our church?

Please do! One of the aims in creating the videos was to create resources for churches exploring issues to do with sexuality and the Bible. Any non-commercial use of the videos is fine.

Do you make money out of this site?

No. This site costs me money to run (hosting and domain fees). I don’t have adverts on the site. However, if you like the logo you can buy mugs, stickers, iPhone cases and other goods at society6 (you can also buy wall art of some of my private photos). I get a small royalty from any sales (about 10%).